Manchester Community College is one of six community college sites where individuals taking registered apprenticeship programs for manufacturing careers can take related instruction.
Posts Categorized: MCC
MCC Awarded $1.1 Million Student Support Services TRIO Program Grant
Manchester Community College has received a total of $1.1 million in annual funding over the next five years through a renewable Student Support Services TRIO Program grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Aurora Grant to Fund Program to Help Women Transition from Prison to College
Women recently released from incarceration at York Correctional Institute, the state’s only prison for women, will benefit from a new program at Manchester Community College, funded by a grant from the Aurora Foundation.
MCC to Participate in “Super Saturday Registration Blitz,” August 22
As part of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) “Stay Near. Go Far.” initiative, Manchester Community College will be one of the 12 colleges participating in a “Super Saturday Registration Blitz” on August 22.
MCC Announces Appointment of Bursar Eddie Miranda
Eddie Miranda, of West Hartford, has been named bursar of Manchester Community College.
The Loop Gallery at MCC on Main Presents Carnography: Escape, Desire, and Automobiles
The Loop Gallery at the Manchester Community College Arts and Education Center – also known as MCC on Main — welcomes artist Jim Bremer’s photography exhibition, “Carnography,” now through November 6.
Free Info Sessions to Explore Credit-Free Health Career Certifications
Manchester Community College will showcase the credit-free certificate programs in Allied Health with free information sessions for prospective students interested in beginning this fall.
MCC Announces Fall 2015 Scholarship Recipients
The Manchester Community College Foundation awarded scholarships to more than 160 students for the Fall 2015 semester.
Grants for Training in Manufacturing Help Students with the Costs of Upcoming MCC Classes
Eligible students who enroll now in Manchester Community College’s 10-week Conventional Precision Manufacturing (CPM) certificate course may be able to attend classes at a significantly reduced cost thanks to a federal grant. The CPM certificate is the first part of MCC’s 26-week manufacturing program, which includes the CPM non-credit certificate and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) credit certificate.
MCC Offers Yoga Teacher Certification Program
Yoga practitioners have the opportunity to turn their passion into a full-time or supplemental career with a credit-free Yoga Teacher Certification course offered by the Continuing Education division.