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Posts Categorized: MCC

William Williams Makes MCC Program More Hospitable

Since joining the MCC faculty a year ago, William Williams, assistant professor and coordinator of the hotel and tourism management program, has helped distinguish the college as a destination for people interested in a growing economic sector.

Empty Bowls Project at MCC to Benefit Foodshare October 31

Students, faculty, staff and other volunteers at Manchester Community College are preparing for the 18th annual Empty Bowls Project, which MCC is hosting on Saturday, October 31, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the college’s Culinary Arts Center. Admission is $15.

Course in Edible Schoolyards Offered to Educators and Parents

MCC’s Continuing Education course, “Starting an Edible Schoolyard,” will be held Tuesday, October 27, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for one session. The credit-free course is open to parents, educators, school administrators and members of the community who would like to learn more about how an edible schoolyard can positively impact children and families.

Get Organized at MCC with Fall Credit-Free Programs

With kids back in school and parents in chaos-mode with car pools, dinners on the run, homework supervision, appointments and commitments galore, now is the time for management, organization and stress reduction strategies help from MCC.