The Alpha Beta Gamma® international business honor society at Manchester Community College recently inducted more than 40 new members for Fall 2016.
Posts Categorized: MCC
MCC Students Inducted into Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society for Fall 2016 Term
For the Fall 2016 term, 80 MCC students were inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, the oldest and largest international honor society serving two-year colleges.
MCC Announces Spring 2017 Scholarship Recipients
Manchester Community College Foundation awarded a total of nearly $100,000 from 63 scholarship funds to more than 150 students for the Spring 2017 semester.
MCC Winter Arts Festival Opening Reception, Featuring Work by Visual Fine Arts and Music Students
Manchester Community College will present the Winter Arts Festival featuring student art exhibits, including paintings, sculptures, ceramics and photography. An opening reception will be held December 16 at 6 p.m. in the Hans Weiss Newspace Gallery in the SBM Charitable Foundation Building.
MCC “Super Saturday” Offers Expanded Enrollment Services December 17
Prospective and continuing students at Manchester Community College are invited to a special Saturday event on December 17 .
MCC Business Administration Students Win Federal Reserve Challenge, District 1
In only their second time participating in the College Federal Reserve Challenge, District 1, earlier this month, six Manchester Community College accounting and business administration students took home a win in the Community College Division.
MCC, GPA Students to Participate in White House Summit Panel, Dec. 5
Two Manchester Community College students and one from Great Path Academy – a magnet high school at MCC – will participate as panelists at the White House Summit for Educational Excellence, an important initiative for college readiness and success, December 5.
MCC to Offer New Credit-Free Photo and Digital Imaging Courses in December
Manchester Community College offers two new credit-free courses, “MCC Campus Photoshoot” and “Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop: Designing Print and Digital Documents” as part of its Fall 2016 catalog.
Alumni Success – Professional Cook of 16 Years Chooses MCC to Help Him Change Careers
Before attending Manchester Community College, Stephen Phillips ’16 felt that he was stuck in a rut.
MCC Hosts First Connecticut-Based New England Region SSS Professional Day
Manchester Community College was selected to host the first Connecticut-located TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) Professional Day by The New England Educational Opportunity Association.