The award is given annually to a female faculty or staff member who has made an important contribution to the achievements of women at the college, exemplifies leadership qualities and acts as a role model and mentor through her activities on campus.
Posts Categorized: MCC
Student Success – Maftuna Rakhimova Finds Direction Through Precision Manufacturing Program
Rakhimova is now employed at Newington-based Aero Engine Components Repair (AECR), a division of EDAC Technologies.
MCC “Super Saturday” Offers Expanded Enrollment Services July 15
Prospective and continuing students at Manchester Community College are invited to a special “Super Saturday” event on July 15 that is specifically designed to expedite enrollment for the Fall 2017 term.
Student Success: Alicia Salvatore Selected to Attend National Conference of American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Alicia Salvatore, of Wethersfield, a continuing student in MCC’s radiography program, just returned from representing the state of Connecticut at the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Educational Symposium and Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting.
MCC Recognizes Students for Spring 2017 Academic Excellence
Manchester Community College is pleased to announce its roster of students achieving President’s List and Dean’s List recognition for the Spring 2017 semester.
Alumni Success: Pena-Sulantay Finds Direction and Inspiration at MCC
Fernanda Pena-Sulantay, a native of El Salvador, graduated summa cum laude from MCC’s Honors College at the 53rd Commencement Exercises on May 27.
Gena Glickman Named to AACC Commission on Leadership and Professional Development
MCC President Gena Glickman, Ph.D., has been appointed to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Commission on Leadership and Professional Development, effective July 1 and ending June 30, 2018.
Two MCC Students Make All-Connecticut Academic Team
Two Manchester Community College graduates, Margery Booker ’17, of Stafford Springs, and Fernanda Pena-Sulantay ’17, of Middletown, were accepted to the All-Connecticut Academic Team.
Student Success – Melissa Stevens Gets Ahead through Business Office Technology/Medical Option
Melissa Stevens, of East Hartford, entered MCC’s Business Office Technology-Medical Option program and found that it was a quicker stepping stone to employment than she anticipated.
MCC Graduates 800 at 53rd Annual Commencement Ceremony
840 degrees and certificates were awarded to 800 individual graduates at Manchester Community College’s 53rd annual commencement ceremony held this evening, Thursday, May 25. Graduates from 93 towns across Connecticut and eight other states were awarded associate in science degrees, associate in art degrees and certificates.