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Posts Categorized: MCC
Open Invitation to 2019 Hall of Fame Donor Appreciation Brunch, February 17
Each year MCC Foundation bestows its Extraordinary Volunteer Service and Investor of the Year awards on individuals or groups who have demonstrated commitment to Manchester Community College that stands out. Reservations for the brunch are required; the cost is $25 per person for a delicious brunch, champagne, dessert and the award presentation.
Prepare for Growth Careers with Pharmacy Technician and Other MCC Allied Health Certification Courses
Manchester Community College offers short-term non-degree certificate-preparation programs in allied health fields to aid in workforce development.
Early Bird Ticket Sales for Evening of Fine Food and Friends Fundraiser, April 26
Billy Grant, local celebrity chef and restauranteur, and an MCC Foundation board member, will serve as honorary chair of this year’s event. As the new name emphasizes, this cabaret-themed night of fun, food, friends, wines and beers shines a light on all that MCC students contribute to make this this outstanding signature fundraiser a success.
Student Success: MCC’s Student-Run Radio Station Marks 10 Years
In 2008, a group of enterprising members of the student radio club had an idea. Using then state-of-the-art internet technology, they conceived of streaming audio to their campus community from a website they would create. ICE Radio was born.
MCC Awarded Funding to Operate PASS Student Retention Program
The Connecticut state grant, supported by the PASS Program in the Office of Higher Education, is designed specifically to fund strategic initiatives to address the needs of qualifying students on academic probation who may need additional support to improve their standings.
MCC “Super Saturday” Offers Expanded Enrollment Services January 12
MCC Admissions, Testing, Advising and Counseling Services, Registration, Financial Aid and Bursar’s offices — as well as the campus bookstore — will be open and can take care of your enrollment needs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
MCC Credit-Free Programs Offers Personal and Professional Development Courses for Spring 2019
The Spring 2019 spring course offerings include hundreds of personal and professional development classes, as well as non-credit career certificates.
MCC “Super Saturday” Offers Expanded Enrollment Services December 15
Get started on your college education goals this spring. Manchester Community College’s “Super Saturdays” were created especially for students who need to take care of admissions, Accuplacer® testing, advising and registration needs in one day.
MCC Winter Arts Festival Features Work by Visual Fine Arts and Music Students
Manchester Community College will present the Winter Arts Festival December 14 at 6 p.m. in the Hans Weiss Newspace Gallery in the SBM Charitable Foundation Building.