On Tuesday, October 8, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Manchester Community College SBM Charitable Foundation Auditorium, Carl D’Alvia — a sculptor based in New York City and Cornwall, Conn. — will discuss his work. The Visiting Artist Series is sponsored by MCC Foundation.
Posts Categorized: MCC
Employers and Job-Seekers to Meet at MCC Annual Part-Time Job Fair October 1
The event is designed to match local employers with candidates looking for part-time, flexible hours, such as MCC students. It is also open to the public.
MCC to Hold Program Information Sessions in October for Spring 2020 Start
Manchester Community College’s upcoming free information sessions are a great way to explore options for success.
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong to Speak at MCC as Part of “Constitution Day” Lecture Series
He will focus on the role of the state’s attorney general with respect to federal government policy and federal court rulings, including touching on issues related to recent decisions affecting civil and voting rights, and consumer protection.
MCC Announces Accelerated Fall 2019 Classes Starting September 10, October 14
Open courses are available in business office technology, computer aided drafting, computer software applications, computer technology, criminal justice, economics, engineering science, hospitality management, humanities, manufacturing and music studies.
Business Office Technology and Information Management Technology Degrees and Certificates Boost Workforce Success
In today’s workforce, professional acumen and hands-on experience may not be enough to succeed in many jobs. A knowledge of the continuously evolving technologies that drive work environments is vital as well. MCC has programs to help keep pace.
MCC Offers Expanded Enrollment Services on Saturdays, August 10 and August 24
“Super Saturdays” were created especially for students who need to take care of admissions, Accuplacer® testing, advising and registration needs in a single visit.
MCC to Hold Information Sessions for Computer Game and Graphic Design Degree Programs
Sessions will be held Tuesday, July 30, from noon to 1 p.m.; Friday, August 2, from 1 to 2 p.m.; and Saturday, August 10, from 11 to noon. All sessions will be held in the Learning Resource Center, B218. Pre-registration is recommended.
MCC Offers Photography Option, Visual Fine Arts Degree for Students Interested in Exploring this Field
Jobs that incorporate photography skills are among the fastest growing in Connecticut of those requiring an associate degree, according to the Connecticut Department of Labor.
MCC Awarded $20,000 Grant from Aurora Foundation to Support Women in STEM
The grant funding is specially targeted to support students in the college’s Women in STEM initiative, known as WiSTEM, which helps increase persistence and graduation rates for women pursuing degrees.