At its 42nd annual Commencement Ceremony, 644 students graduated from Manchester Community College and 172 students were awarded academic honors.
Posts Categorized: MCC
Students Inducted Into Technology Honors Society
Epsilon Pi Tau International Honorary for Professions in Technology inducted 29 MCC students for outstanding academic excellence in fields devoted to the study of technology.
MCC Professor Awarded for Outstanding Video Production
Professor Maura O’Connor and her student, Ron Dube were awarded the 2006 PRSA Silver Mercury Award of Excellence.
MCC Students Inducted Into International Business Honor Society
The Alpha Beta Gamma Business Honor Society at Manchester Community College recently inducted 58 new members.
Prestigious Honor Society Inducted 41 MCC Students
A selected group of students were inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, the oldest and largest international honor society serving two-year colleges.
MCC Students Inducted Into National Foreign Language Honor Society
The Alpha Mu Gamma National Collegiate Foreign Language Honor Society inducted eight new members from MCC.
The Science and Technology Reaching Out to New Generations in Connecticut (STRONG-CT) program targets minority and first generation college students that have an interest in life sciences.
Two Key Positions Filled at MCC
G. Duncan Harris, of Windsor, has accepted the appointment of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Dr. Joanne Russell, of Manchester, has been appointed the new Director of the Liberal Arts Division
Local Student Receive Nation’s Largest Scholarship for Community College Students
Latisha (Tish) Wilson, of Hartford, is a recipient of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarship.
New Staff Joins Manchester Community College
Sharale Walker, of West Hartford, has joined MCC as the STRONG-CT Project Coordinator.