Manchester Community College is offering three new accelerated certificate programs beginning in the 2011 fall semester. They are: Computer-Aided Design, Fitness Specialist and Web Technology.
Posts Categorized: MCC
New Fall Semester Offerings at Manchester Community College
The following new courses and programs are being offered at Manchester Community College in the 2011 fall semester.
Community Gardens at Manchester Community College
For the third year a parcel of land on the campus of Manchester Community College is being used for 39 community gardens.
Breadville USA
MCC will participate in Breadville U.S.A. on Saturday, June 25 from 10 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Visitors are welcome to come to the MCC Cuinary Arts Center for an Open House which will feature a wide variety of artisan breads to sample,see techniques by which bread is made and get recipes.
MCC Collaborates with state agencies to provide internships
MCC Collaborates with Department of Environmental Protection and Connecticut Clean Energy Fund to Provide Internships for Students
MCC Art Students play a part in East Side Youth Center
The MCC Art Club worked with students from the Nathan Hale School to create art for the new East Side Youth Center. It was the former Spruce Street Firehouse and the dedication was held June 9.
MCC Collaborates with Department of Environmental Protection and Connecticut Clean Energy
On Monday, June 20, Manchester Community College will host the Connecticut Municipal Climate Network Workshop to showcase the collaboration in the development of student internships between the Department of Environmental Protection, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund and municipalities in the regions served by Manchester Community College and Three Rivers Community College. At the June 20th workshop students will have the opportunity to discuss the projects they worked on and their experiences working with town officials on green initiatives.
Cracking Secret Codes
MCC is highlighted on NBC 30 for its use of QR Codes.
Commencement 2011 Photo Gallery
More than 750 happy graduates, their families and friends enjoyed MCC’s 47th commencement ceremony.
2011 Commencement Address: Kristi Zea
Kristi Zea is an Academy Award-nominated production designer, whose work spans such films as Fame, Interiors, The Departed, Revolutionary Road and, most recently, Tower Heist.