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Posts Categorized: MCC

Global Issues Conference: Understanding Afghanistan

Manchester, CT (October 25, 2011)…The Global Issues Conference, now in its 23rd year, is presenting Understanding Afghanistan on Saturday, November 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the SBM Charitable Foundation Auditorium on the campus of Manchester Community College.

MCC’s Hall of Fame Award honors Artist Hans Weiss

Hans Weiss was honored on Tuesday, October 25th for his long–time support of Manchester Community College at the second annual Hall of Fame Reception. He has contributed to the growth of the College and its educational programs, and has provided financial assistance to students interested in pursuing their college education. Weiss is an impressionistic, international artist in oil, watercolor, pen, ink, and pencil and has been drawing and painting all of his life.

MCC Hospitality Program Earns National Accreditation

The MCC Hospitality Program has earned national accreditation from the American Culinary Federation. Two programs were recertified and the new Culinary Arts A.S. degree earned its first national accreditation.

MCC Designated a National Issues Forum Center

Manchester Community College is the first Connecticut-based institution to be certified as a National Issues Forum center for public policy. The National Issues Forum participants include a wide range of organizations that promote nonpartisan public deliberation in communities across the country.

MCC’S Cougar Classic Golf Tournament a Success

After a hiatus of several years, the MCC Cougar Classic Golf Tournament was held on September 28th at the Manchester Country Club. More than 80 participants helped raise money for student support services at the college.

St. Joseph Dual Admission Agreement Expands Opportunities for Community College Students

St. Joseph College and the Connecticut Community Colleges have entered into a dual admission program and expanded educational opportunities for community college students. The Weekend Program for Adult Learners at St. Joseph College will accept graduates from all twelve community colleges in the fields of Accounting, Management, Social Work or Psychology.