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Posts Categorized: MCC

MCC’s Community Garden Still Going Strong

An initiative of MCC’s Sustainability Committee is the commuity garden, which has become a very successful endeavor. The commuity garden is highlighted in a recent article in the Reminder News.

MCC Counselor Received Scholarships from National Association

Wanda Reyes-Dawes, Counselor/Coordinator of Academic Advising at Manchester Community College has received two scholarships from the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA). One was for Advising Administrators Institute and the other for the Assessment Institute.

Innovation and Annual Fund Proposals

Proposals to support projects through the Innovation Fund and Annual Fund must be submitted no later than March 1. Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit proposals.

African American History Month Leadership Awards

Four leadership awards were presented at the opening ceremony for African American History month at Manchester Community College. The awards are named in honor of prominent African Americans who made significant leadership contributions to history.

Program prepares high school graduates for college level work

An orientation program for the Manchester REACT program (Reaching Education Achievement for College Transition)was held on Thursday, February 9 at MCC. The orientation session provided an opportunity for students and staff from REACT and MCC to network and learn more about the program.

MCC Draw-A- Thon 2012

THe Draw-A-Thon 2012 took place on Friday, February 10 in the art hallway of the SBMCF Building.

MCC Hosted College Goal Sunday on January 29

Manchester Community College was one of 11 sites in Connecticut which hosted College Goal Sunday on January 29 to provide assistance in completing the application for Federal Student Aid.