Campus Safety Rules and Regulations

Alcoholic Beverages

The consumption of alcoholic beverages on campus is prohibited and is subject to disciplinary action. The only time alcoholic beverages may be served on campus is during a campus or college-sponsored program with prior approval of the campus CEO or his/her expressly designated agent. All state laws pertaining to the sale and consumption of alcohol will be strictly enforced. The unlicensed sale of alcoholic beverages on campus is prohibited by state law. Therefore, no financial arrangements between the sponsor of an event and guests are permitted whenever alcohol is to be served (i.e., no admission fees can be charged, donations accepted nor tickets sold).

Crime Statistics

The CT State Manchester Police are responsible for collecting statistics, identifying reportable crimes, reporting crimes to the FBI and the Department of Education, and publishing statistics to the public. Under law, these statistics must be reported in the categories specified by each agency.

  • FBI’s Uniform Campus Crime Report statistics include only crimes occurring on the campus that are reported to the police.
  • The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Police and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1990, also known as the “Clery Act”, is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses and to provide the institution’s policies concerning campus security. The Annual Security Report, prepared to meet the requirements of this, can be accessed on the campus website. A copy of this report is available, upon request, from the CT State Manchester Police (Student Services Center, L174).
  • Title IX Crimes

Crime Prevention

Report any suspicious activities, persons, or vehicles on campus to CT State Manchester Police immediately. Crime prevention is a community effort and  the police would always prefer checking on something that turned out to be nothing rather than not learning about a situation that turned out to be serious. If in doubt, call the campus police non-emergency number, 860-512-3680.


The use, sale or possession of any controlled substance, narcotic substance or drug paraphernalia, as defined by Section 21a of the Connecticut General Statutes, is prohibited by applicable state and federal laws. Additionally, CT State Manchester students may be disciplined under the college’s Student Conduct Code for “knowingly possessing, using, transmitting, selling or being under the influence of any dependency-producing drug on the college campus or off the college campus at a college-sponsored activity.”



Gambling and/or “games of chance” for money are strictly prohibited on campus. Violators shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Hepatitis B (HBV)

The American College Health Association, and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recommend that all college students, especially health care majors and anyone at high risk for Hepatitis B, be vaccinated. The virus is contagious and can be transmitted during sexual contact; contact sports; travel abroad to areas where the disease is widespread; while helping someone who is bleeding; sharing pierced earrings, razors, or needles; having your body pierced; or being tattooed with unclean instruments.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located at the CT State Manchester Police department (SSC L174). Any found item should be turned in. If an item has been lost, its loss should be reported with enough descriptive information that it can be returned to its owner if found.


Tobacco use and vaping is the burning, lighting or use of a tobacco product/electronic nicotine and any other smoking/vaping device or equipment that includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), hookahs and pipes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, dip and snus. In accordance with the requirements of the State Fire Prevention Code, tobacco use/vaping is prohibited in all property owned or leased by the college including campus buildings, facilities and campus grounds including parking lots. Tobacco use/vaping is strictly prohibited in all service areas, including but not limited to the loading docks and their driveways and parking areas. Tobacco use/vaping is strictly prohibited in the AST, LRC and SSC loading docks, including the associated entry roads, and parking areas. This regulation applies to all students, faculty, staff, and other persons on campus, regardless of the purpose for their visit. Failure to abide by this regulation may result in disciplinary action.


With the exception of guide and assistance dogs, pets are not permitted in campus buildings. All dogs brought on campus must be under control. The best way to control a dog is with a leash. Remember, dogs are personal property and the owner/handler is responsible for any damage caused by their dog (see C.G.S. 22-364 re: Dogs Roaming At Large).

Firearms and Other Weapons

All firearms (as defined by C.G.S. section 53a-3) and other weapons (as defined by C.G.S. section 53-206) are prohibited from college property (see C.G.S. 29-28(e)). Any faculty member or student required or permitted to carry a firearm because of employment with a local, state or federal law enforcement agency, as well as retired law enforcement officers who are in compliance with the Patriot Act, must report to the CT State Manchester Police Commanding Officer. Permitted firearms are to be kept concealed at all times. If you see a gun or other weapon on campus, please alert the campus police immediately at 860-512-3680.

Motor Vehicle Laws

All Connecticut motor vehicle laws are applicable on campus property and will be enforced.

Speed Limit: The speed limit on all campus roads is 25 mph.
Motor Vehicle Accidents: Any motor vehicle or pedestrian accident, no matter how minor, should be reported to the CT State Manchester Police. Failing to report an accident that causes physical injury or property damage could result in a charge of Evading Responsibility (C.G.S. 14-224(b))

Parking Regulations

Proper Parking

  • It is the responsibility of the vehicle operator to find a valid and lawful parking space.
  • All parked motor vehicles must be in such a position as to be within the marked boundaries of the parking spaces and vehicles may not occupy more than one parking space.
  • Vehicles may not be parked on the grass, sidewalks, walkways or unpaved areas. (The only exception is when the police open temporary overflow parking areas and direct vehicles into these spaces.)

Hazardous Parking

  • Vehicles may not be parked in such a manner as to constitute a hazard or impede the smooth flow of traffic.
  • Parked vehicles presenting a hazard, impeding vehicular or pedestrian traffic, interfering with the operation of emergency vehicles or in a restricted area will be tagged and towed, without notice, at the owner’s expense. Owners are responsible for costs for towing, impounding and storage of their vehicles.

Handicapped Parking

There are parking spaces designated for handicapped parking in all the campus parking lots. These spaces are clearly marked with the International Symbol of Access. Vehicles with a disability permit can park in handicapped parking spaces in any lot.

  • Section 14-253 (d) of the Connecticut General Statutes prohibits the use of designated handicapped parking spaces, unless a vehicle displays a valid State Disability or Temporary Disability Parking Permit.
  • Section 14-253 (c) stipulates that the permit may only be used for special parking privileges when the vehicle is being operated by, or carrying as a passenger, the handicapped person to whom such permit has been issued.
  • Violation of section 14-253 is a state infraction and will result in a fine.

Faculty/Staff Parking

There are parking lots and parking spaces designated for faculty/staff members’ use only. A campus parking permit is required for these areas, and students and visitors are prohibited from parking in these spaces.

Reserved Parking

There are a number of “Reserved Parking” spaces on campus. These reserved spaces are assigned to specific individuals and are designated by blue signs with accompanying permit numbers. Only the individual assigned to the space is permitted to use that space.

Parking Violation Fines

All parking violations are subject to fines in accordance with the following schedule:

Not displaying permit $10
Improper parking $10
Parking on campus roads/ sidewalks $10
Overnight parking $10
Parking in fire lane $25
Parking in restricted area $25
Tow zone $25
Other $25

Payment of Fines

Fines must be paid within six days or the fine will double. Fines may be paid at the Bursar’s office (Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) or by mail (CT State Manchester, P.O. Box 1046, Great Path, Manchester, CT 06045-1046, Attn: Bursar’s Office, Traffic Fine) DO NOT MAIL CASH. Make checks payable to MCC Foundation Scholarship Fund. Students who do not pay their fines will not be allowed to register for the next semester or graduate. Penalties for Connecticut State parking and moving violations are determined according to state ordinances. Depending upon the severity of the violation, the owner/operator of the vehicle may be issued an Infraction Notice instead of a campus parking ticket. The fines on an infraction are pre-determined by state law and are not discretionary.


Bicycle operators are reminded that while riding on roads or highways, they are to keep to the right side of the roadway and that they are subject to the same traffic regulations governing the operation of vehicles (e.g., stop signs, traffic lights, one-way street designations). Bicycle operators on canpus property must ride or operate bicycles in a prudent and careful manner with reasonable regard for the safety of the operator and other persons.


Due to safety concerns about both fire and rider safety, hover boards shall not be allowed to be either charged, operated or stored on CSCU campuses. This prohibition is consistent with the CSCU Student Code of Conduct, Article I, Part D., section 12 found on page 101, which prohibits “behavior or activity which endangers the health, safety or well-being of others.” Further, the practice of prohibiting hover boards on CSCU campuses is consistent with other colleges and universities across the country. This guidance is offered due to the concern about fire safety and collisions. Due to the abundance of reported safety issues with the devices, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is investigating the safety of hover boards. Moreover, the National Association of Fire Marshals has also issued a warning regarding fire safety due to spontaneous fires potentially linked to the battery that powers the board.  Given the warnings and concerns of these organizations, CSCU has issued this prohibition.


Skateboarding in areas with high volumes of pedestrian traffic poses a safety risk to both skateboard riders and pedestrians. Therefore, skateboarders on campus property are asked not to ride in the Quad and Village areas. Some skateboarding activity relies on interacting with physical structures such as steps, benches and railings. This interaction can significantly damage campus property. Such activity is not allowed on campus.


Pedestrians have the right-of-way on sidewalks, parking lots and all other areas of the campus. However, pedestrians shall grant the right of way to emergency vehicles. Pedestrians shall be responsible for using sidewalks and marked crosswalks wherever possible and shall abide by the Connecticut General Statutes regarding use of the sidewalks and roadways.