MCC Announces Accelerated Fall Classes Starting September 11, October 23

MANCHESTER, Conn. (September 6, 2018) – It is not too late to register for fall classes at Manchester Community College – and also accelerate toward a degree or certificate.  

MCC is offering a range of accelerated classes, many starting Tuesday, September 11, and others starting Tuesday, October 23. Presented in 12-week or eight-week formats, these accelerated classes allow students to earn needed credits in a compressed time frame. Courses are offered either online or on campus.

Open courses are available in biology, communication and speech, computers, mathematics, music studies and sociology.

Available accelerated classes can be found on myCommNet ( select “search for courses,” then Fall 2018 and Manchester Community College; under “Title,” look for those classes marked 12wk or 8wk2. New students can apply now to the college; returning students can immediately choose from any of the accelerated spring courses. Visit

While the number of class meetings for accelerated courses is fewer than the regular fall and spring semesters, students should be aware that each course contains the same number of class hours as the regular semester. As a result, the level of study is much more intensive and demanding of time. Students should consider this in planning their time and course selection.