Two MCC Students Make All-Connecticut Academic Team

Manchester, Conn. (April 16, 2018) – Two Manchester Community College students, Alexandra Norton, of Bolton, and Kevin Rodrigues, of Manchester, were named to the All-Connecticut Academic Team. The All-Connecticut Academic Team recognizes the outstanding scholarly achievements and leadership accomplishments of students enrolled in Connecticut’s community and junior colleges. Each college is allowed to nominate two students, who are then accepted as All-Connecticut Academic Team members and become eligible for the national All-USA Academic team, which awards scholarships.

From left, Rodrigues, Sullivan and Norton at the All-State Academic Team awards ceremony.

Norton and Rodrigues were nominated from a pool of applicants based on the strength of their applications with respect to academic excellence, leadership, civic responsibility and contributions made to the college community. They were honored at the annual All-Connecticut Academic Team awards ceremony at the State Capitol on April 6. Norton and Rodrigues were accompanied by MCC Professor Pat Sullivan, faculty advisor of the Alpha Upsilon Alpha Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society.

Norton – who was home-schooled and matriculated at MCC at age 14 in 2016 – is the youngest student to serve as a Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Upsilon Alpha chapter officer. She is expecting to graduate from MCC this May and will continue her education to become a large animal veterinarian. Rodrigues, a native of South America who immigrated to the U.S. five years ago and became a citizen this year, currently serves as the chapter’s vice president of membership. He is a criminal justice major who expects to graduate this spring. He holds a certificate in homeland security from MCC, as well.

Team members are named annually with each receiving a $5,000 scholarship, totaling $100,000 in scholarship awards to Connecticut students.

About the Phi Theta Kappa All-State Teams – The All-Connecticut Academic Team is one of the All-USA Community College qualifying teams sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa, community college presidents and community college state in 38 participating states. Students from the 38 participating states nominated to the All-USA Community College Academic Team are automatically named to the All-State Community College Academic Teams. Ranking on the All-State Community College Academic Teams is generally determined by the student’s score in the national competition.