Gena Glickman Named to AACC Commission on Leadership and Professional Development

MANCHESTER, Conn. (June 15, 2017) – MCC President Gena Glickman, Ph.D., has been appointed to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Commission on Leadership and Professional Development, effective July 1 and ending June 30, 2018.

The commission is one of six standing and three special commissions authorized by the AACC board to provide advice to the AACC board and staff; encourage collaboration among community college entities and organizations; provide a forum for focused conversation about the important community college issues and priorities of the day; provide for increased involvement by AACC member CEOs and other professional staff; and provide leadership opportunities for members of the AACC board of directors (who serve as chairs).

Dr. Glickman said she is honored to have been elected to serve on the Commission on Leadership and Professional Development. “I am pleased to be working with my AACC colleagues and presidents on a commission that focuses on development and enhancement of advanced leadership skills for new and sitting presidents,” she said. “Creative and responsive leadership is vital to achieve the goals of community colleges, especially during such a critical time for affordable higher education and workforce development.”

Dr. Glickman was named the fifth president of Manchester Community College on June 30, 2008.

She serves on several boards including the Greater Hartford Arts Council, of which she is president; Eastern Connecticut Foundation for Health Care, as treasurer; the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education; Manchester Chamber of Commerce; AACC; and the College Board’s Community College Advisory Panel.

Dr. Glickman has also served on committees for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system. She teaches and provides dissertation mentoring in the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) doctor of management in community college policy and administration program.

In 2014, Manchester Community College was recognized by The Aspen Institute as one of the top 150 community colleges nationwide. In 2012, Manchester Community College earned recognition as a top work place in the Hartford region by The Hartford Courant and Fox CT (CT1 Media), and in 2013 the college earned recognition as a top work place nationally by The Hearst Media Group.

About the AACC – Founded in 1920, the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) has, over nine decades, become the leading proponent and the national “voice for community colleges.” the association represents nearly 1,200 two-year, associate degree-granting institutions and more than 13 million students, as well as a growing number of international members in Puerto Rico, Japan, Great Britain, Korea, and the United Arab Emirates. The colleges are the largest and fastest-growing sector of U.S. higher education, enrolling close to half (45 percent) of all U.S. undergraduates. The headquarters are in the National Center for Higher Education in Washington, D.C. For more information, visit