Learn How to Protect Your Business Against Cyber Raiding with MCC Credit-Free Course

MANCHESTER, Conn. (October 3, 2016) – Manchester Community College’s Continuing Education division is taking registrations for the Principal Interactive Security Training Session to be held on October 10, from 6 to 7 p.m. The course fee is $20.

This one-session course will help your business understand the Connecticut data security requirements of CT Public Act No.15-142. Learn about the Connecticut law, “An Act Improving Data Security and Agency Effectiveness,” and what it means to business owners and agency heads. The act made numerous changes to the existing breach-of-security law that went into effect July 1, 2015, per PA 15-142.  Affected organizations are to “implement and maintain a comprehensive data-security program for the protection of confidential information.”

The course provides solutions for reducing the risk of a security breach by the use of information technology and performing a risk assessment.

The instructor is Jayson Ferron, principal for Interactive Security Training, LLC, where his responsibilities include meeting customer requirements, such as security designs, network infrastructures, enterprise security solutions and mobility issues. Ferron provides cybersecurity serves to clients including Microsoft, the Department of Defense, and numerous banks, government agencies, health agencies and service providers.

To register for this course, or for more information about other credit-free courses, call 860-512-3232. To download the catalog, visit www.manchestercc.edu/cfcatalog.

MCC also offers certificate programs and associate degrees in computer network technology, and other computer-related fields. These programs prepare students for entry-level positions in their fields and allow them to transfer to other institution to further their education. For more information, visit www.manchestercc.edu/technology.