Dr. Gena Glickman Named President, Greater Hartford Arts Council Board of Directors

Glickman_WhiteSuit_Formal_2015MANCHESTER, Conn. (July 20, 2016) – MCC President Gena Glickman, Ph.D., will serve as president of the board of the Greater Hartford Arts Council (GHAC). The announcement was made during the GHAC Annual Celebration July 14 at Real Art Ways in Hartford.

The Greater Hartford Arts Council is dedicated to providing leadership for the financial success and organizational stability of the arts, heritage and cultural community of Connecticut’s capital region. The GHAC was established in 1971 at the request of the corporate community to serve as an umbrella fundraising and grant-making agency for the growing arts scene in Hartford. Dr. Glickman succeeds outgoing president Morris Banks, member at Pullman & Comley, LLC. She was elected a board member in 2009 and was named first vice president in 2014.

Dr. Glickman said she is honored to have been elected to serve as board president. “I have a professional as well as personal commitment to this organization,” she said. “My undergrad degree in fine arts has been a vital foundation for me professionally. Increasingly studies have shown a clear economic impact of the arts in our communities and that exposure to the arts has quantitative as well as qualitative benefits. Whether it’s the visual arts or performance arts, we all learn to be more creative in problem solving, more resilient to setbacks, and more flexible in our thinking.”

She added, “I am pleased to be leading the GHAC in working toward its goals and the work the organization does to contribute to a truly vital economy and workforce — and a more compassionate society.”

Dr. Glickman was named the fifth president of Manchester Community College on June 30, 2008. Previously, she was vice president for teaching, learning and student development at Elgin Community College, a large comprehensive community college west of Chicago.

Her contributions to higher education include board service for American Association of Colleges and Universities; the College Board’s Community College President’s Advisory Panel; the American Council on Education’s Commission on Advancement of Racial and Ethnic Equity; the American Association of Community Colleges Commission on Research, Technology, and Emerging Trends; and the Council for Resource Development-Executive Institute for Fundraising in Community Colleges.

She also teaches and provides dissertation mentoring in the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) doctor of management in community college policy and administration program.

In addition to the Greater Hartford Arts Council, her community service has included or includes Corporator for Rockville Bank, Corporator of Eastern Connecticut Health Network and Manchester Chamber of Commerce.

In April 2012, Hartford Business Journal named her one of eight remarkable women in business.