MCC Cited for Transfer Success by the Aspen Institute and CCRC

Manchester, Conn. (May 23, 2016) – Manchester Community College has been recognized as one of six successful pairs of community college and baccalaureate institutions nationally for its successful transfer process by the Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program and the Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teachers College, Columbia University.

MCC’s partnership with Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU) is highlighted in the report, “The Transfer Playbook: Essential Practices for Two- and Four-year Colleges,” released on May 17, 2016.

The full report can be found on the Aspen Institute website.

Based on visits from representatives of the Aspen Institute and CCRC in which interviews with MCC faculty, staff and alumni were conducted, the report is designed to provide a roadmap for increasing bachelor’s degree attainment across higher education.

“MCC is proud to be included in ‘The Transfer Playbook’ as a model for improving transfer student success,” Gena Glickman, MCC president, said. “The college has worked hard to make sure students who go on from MCC to pursue bachelor’s degrees are able to achieve their goals.”

Every year, according to CCRC, millions of students aiming to attain a bachelor’s degree attend community colleges because of their affordability and accessibility. “We analyzed the practices at partnerships of community colleges and four-year institutions with high rates of transfer student success, “ said Davis Jenkins, senior researcher at CCRC, co-author of the report and one of the representatives who visited MCC’s campus for two days last fall. “This report presents the evidence-based strategies that community college and university leaders can use to improve outcomes on their own campuses.”

Glickman added, “Our partnership with ECSU gets students to their goal of a bachelor’s degree. Our faculties and staffs have created a rigorous, efficient transfer process and made transfer a priority at both institutions.”

Funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, the guide is the second phase in a major initiative to understand the causes of low community college transfer rates and to provide colleges with the tools they need to improve.

About the Aspen Institute’s College Excellence Program: The program aims to advance higher education practices, policies, and leadership that significantly improve student outcomes. Through the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the New College Leadership Project, and other initiatives, the College Excellence Program works to improve colleges’ understanding and capacity to teach and graduate students, especially the growing population of low-income and minority students on American campuses.

About the Community College Research Center (CCRC), Teachers College, Columbia University: CCRC conducts research on the major issues affecting community colleges in the United States and contributes to the development of practice and policy that expands access to higher education and promotes success for all students.