MCC Announces Spring 2016 Scholarship Recipients

Manchester, Conn. (December 7, 2015) – Manchester Community College Foundation awarded a total of more than $108,000 from 190 scholarships for the Spring 2016 semester. The scholarship presentation was held Tuesday evening, December 1, in the SBM Charitable Foundation auditorium. A reception followed for the recipients and their families.

Abigail Welles, of East Hartford, Conn., a recipient of an SBM Charitable Foundation Scholarship, spoke at the presentation ceremony and thanked donors.

“MCC students are remarkable because they understand what it means to be a student who recognizes that a higher education is not a given,” she said. “To be such a student is to be determined and unwilling to be deterred by failure – to recognize that our character is not measured by our obstacles but rather how we cope with adversity and overcome it.”

Welles added, “Now I am on a successful track working towards immense dreams that will leave an imprint on this world that is as compassionate and inspiring as the imprint that Manchester Community College, its professors and the foundation have left on me.”

MCC Foundation gives hundreds of deserving students the opportunity to achieve their academic dreams through the scholarship program. In addition, the foundation supports college programs.

Click here for the MCC Spring 2016 scholarship list, including the recipients, their awards and hometowns.