MCC Institutes Honors College; Adds Transcript Distinction, ‘With Honors’
Manchester Community College has enhanced its honors program with the creation of the Honors College, enabling students to graduate “with Honors” and have the accomplishment noted on their diploma and transcripts.
Students in the Honors College have an opportunity to investigate topics of interest, conduct research, work on special projects, and actively share this learning process with other classmates and their professors, according to Professor Patrick Sullivan, Honors College coordinator.
Sullivan, who is also the academic advisor to MCC’s Phi Theta Kappa campus chapter, noted, “Students in the Honors College will each be assigned a faculty mentor in their academic area of concentration – so they will get excellent, individualized hands-on advising throughout their tenure in the program.”
Dr. Steven Torres, Honors College associate coordinator, added, “The program will help students demonstrate high levels of motivation and performance to prospective employers and maximize their opportunities to successfully transfer to baccalaureate institutions.”
To qualify for the Honors College and the transcript distinction, students must apply and then complete any combination of at least four honors courses or honors options (12 credits minimum) and earn a grade of B or better in each. In addition, students will complete an independent study, one-credit capstone project conducted with a professor in their major area.
The Honors College also requires students tocomplete 20 hours of a community service or civic engagement activity. Students submit a proposal to the Honors Committee for approval, but the requirement generally can be completed in any way students wish – with hours served via an MCC volunteer program, or at any community or non-profit service organization. A reflective essay on this service project is part of the graduation requirements.
“MCC students are driven to succeed and are looking for academic challenge, along with solid credentials as they prepare for the next phases of their academic careers,” said Dr. Sandra Palmer, provost and chief academic officer. “MCC’s Honors College presents exciting opportunities for motivated students.”
By virtue of successfully completing the requirements for graduation with honors, the Honors College graduate will also be eligible for membership in Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges, and will graduate cum laude or higher.
For more information on the MCC Honors College, contact Professor Sullivan at 860-512-2669, or email; or Professor Torres at 860-512-2696, or email, or visit the Honors College website.