MCC Offers Introduction to Sign Language Course

Have you ever found yourself enamored with people who communicate through American Sign Language? Are you interested in learning more about Deaf culture as well as the basics of the language? MCC offers a summer course, Introduction to Sign Language, Wednesdays beginning July 23 through August 27, from 7 to 9 p.m. Instructor Carolyn Robins will enlighten students about the syntax and grammar components that set ASL apart from signed English.

Robins explains, “This course will help beginners to develop expressive and receptive language skills. Participants can expect to delve into the facial expressions and body language that allow for enhanced communication.”

Learning American Sign Language comes with a variety of benefits. Instructor Carolyn Robins began learning in a similar class to the one she teaches and went on to become an interpreter. “I found the skill extremely useful in my role as stage manager for a community theatre since you can’t make any noise backstage while a production is taking place,” she said. “The rest is history!”

For registration, refer to CRN 20675 in the Summer Credit Free catalog. MCC’s Credit-Free Programs Summer 2014 catalog is accessible online or via Facebook. For more information or to request a catalog, call Continuing Education at 860-512-2800.