Tina Carnelli Presented Alumnus of the Year Award at Homecoming and Hall of Fame Reception
Manchester, CT (December 9, 2013)… As part of the year-long celebration of MCC’s 50th birthday, the MCC Foundation hosted a celebratory Homecoming and Hall of Fame reception in the Culinary Arts Center on Tuesday, November 26.
The 2013 Alumnus of the Year Award was presented to Tina Carnelli ’98. The award is given to an MCC alumnus/alumna who has shown exemplary public and community service leadership, offered major, positive contributions to society, and who has brought credit to themselves and Manchester Community College through distinguished accomplishments.
Carnelli recently joined Morris Group as marketing manager in Windsor. Previously, she was communications manager for Pratt & Whitney. Following her graduation from MCC, Carnelli went on to receive a MA in Communications from University of Hartford in 2007, where she graduated summa cum laude. Carnelli is also an adjunct professor in MCC’s Communications Department.
Carnelli is involved in and supports many causes and organizations, including ASPCA, Covenant House, the Elephant Sanctuary, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Animal League Defense Fund, Child Fund (sponsoring one child in Uganda and one child in India), Center for Science in the Public Interest, Feed the Children, Food for the Poor and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. She was also recently voted onto the MCC Foundation board of directors.
“Tina epitomizes the true essence of the alumnus of the year,” stated Jim Parry, chair of MCC Foundation’s Hall of Fame Committee. “After graduating in 1998, she has remained connected with MCC not only serving our students as an adjunct faculty member, but also supporting our community through her civic responsibility. She is a remarkable individual and truly deserving of this award.”
Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The college offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. The main, park-like campus, which is easily accessible from I-84, is also the home of Great Path Academy, a middle college high school, serving grades 9-12. The college’s second location, the Manchester Community College Arts and Education Center, opened in downtown Manchester in 2012. MCC takes pride in the quality of programs and the many ways we’ve helped students, families, businesses and community grow over the past five decades. Fifty Years Together. For Learning. For Life.