MCC Continuing Education Releases Winter 2013/14 Intersession Catalog

Manchester Community College has released its new Continuing Education Winter 2013/14 Intersession Catalog, with new course offerings for Credit Extension and Credit-Free Programs to help students accelerate their degree programs or pursue their lifelong-learning goals.

During the Winter Intersession, Credit Extension courses meet for a three-week period immediately after Christmas and ending before most spring sessions start. Students from other colleges often register for MCC’s Credit Extension courses and then transfer the credits to their current institution. Classes this Winter cover a broad range of subjects, both online and on-ground, to appeal to students in just about any field of study: Accounting, Art, Business, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, English, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and much more. Courses carry up to four credits. Students interested in registering for Credit Extension courses may do so by picking up the new catalog and completing the forms inside. Students may also register for Credit Extension courses online at: Accelerated Learning .

Also included in the Winter catalog are MCC Credit-Free Programs including computer skills training classes that prepare participants to pursue professional certification; there are also certification courses in the Allied Health fields; Real Estate; Reiki™ and many others. Personal Enrichment courses abound, including arts, yoga, photography, cuisine, dance, fitness, languages, music, culture and history, and more.

For more information or to request a catalog, call Continuing Education at 860-512-2800. For registration, call 860-512-3232.

The Winter 2013/14 Intersession Catalog is available online at /continuing/credit-free/ or via Facebook (search Manchester Community College Credit-Free Programs) and it has been distributed to the homes of everyone who has been a Credit-Free Programs student in the recent past. It has also been distributed through local newspaper drops at subscribers’ homes and is available at many retail stores, restaurants and libraries throughout MCC’s 15-town primary service area. In addition, copies will be available at The Shoppes at Buckland Hills, at the MCC Continuing Education kiosk on the lower level near Sears.