Courses Focus on Connecticut’s Sales and Use Tax Geared to Specific Businesses

With tax deadlines looming, area businesses will have a specific interest in a new series of courses offered through Manchester Community College’s Credit-Free Programs. On Wednesday, April 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the college’s campus, Sanjeev Khurana, senior auditor for the State of Connecticut’s Department of Revenue Services, will teach a course to help people understand all the changes in Connecticut’s Sales and Use Taxes for Manufacturers, Fabricators, and Processors. The fee for the 2-hour course is $35 and pre-registration is required (refer to CRN 12213 for registration).

The course will cover topics that include a definition of manufacturing, fabricating, and processing, as well as full exemptions for machinery, purchases of materials, tools, and fuels. Participants will also learn about how partial exemptions affect their liability.

MCC Credit-Free Programs also offers an upcoming version of the course for Building Contractors and Service Providers. This course will be held Wednesday, May 22, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the college (refer to CRN 12214 for registration). It will cover sales and use tax issues specifically affecting snow plowing, landscaping, janitorial, and house washing services. The course fee is $35.

It will also be taught by Khurana, who earned his bachelor of commerce degree from the University of Delhi. He has more than 25 years of working experience with the Dept. of Revenue Services conducting highly complex sales and use tax field audit examinations of large-size corporations in and outside of Connecticut as a sales and use taxes specialist.

To register for either of these specialized courses, or for the general “Overview of Connecticut’s Sales and Use Taxes” course, which runs Thursday, May 9, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at MCC, call the Credit Free Registration line at 860-512-3232.