Statement on Lockdown by President Glickman

The Manchester Police Department was dispatched to Manchester Community College following a report that a student was seen on campus with a gun. At approximately 1:52 p.m. an emergency shelter-in-place was announced by the Manchester Community College Police Department. Following their arrival, the Manchester Police Department began checking each classroom and office on our campus, which includes Great Path Academy, a high school on campus.

We remain in shelter-in-place mode as each building is searched by the Manchester Police Department. Great Path Academy has been cleared and students are meeting their parents nearby at Patriot Park.

Following the shelter-in-place announcement on campus, an emergency notice was quickly issued and forwarded via the MCC website, social media, local press, and text message to the faculty, students and staff who are registered on our campus emergency notification system. The Connecticut State Colleges & Universities system office was also notified.

All classes and events on our campus were cancelled after 2 p.m.

Manchester Community College practiced a shelter-in-place drill as recently as February 20.