Collaboration to Help CT Entrepreneurs
Manchester, Conn. – (December 7, 2009) . . . Manchester Community College (MCC) and Central Connecticut State University Small Business Development Center (CCSU/SBDC) recently signed an agreement to offer a series of courses to support entrepreneurs and early stage business owners in Connecticut.
The Entrepreneur Education Workshop Series gives Connecticut entrepreneurs the education, training, information and support needed to own and operate thriving successful businesses. According to the US Department of Labor, the unemployment rate rose from 9.8 to 10.2 percent in October 2009. As a result, many individuals are considering self-employment as a way to generate income.
“We are delighted about this partnership and our ability to contribute to the economic prosperity of our State through creating opportunities for training and support of small businesses,” stated Dr. Gena Glickman, president of Manchester Community College.
Courses that will be offered range from fundamentals of writing a business plan, selecting business structure options and insurance and tax considerations, to identifying market trends and setting financial goals. The partnership is designed to support entrepreneurship in Connecticut and assist with the development of viable business concepts, ultimately stabilizing and growing CT businesses. The Entrepreneur Education Workshop Series is also offered at various locations throughout the state including host universities within the Connecticut State University System.
“Our Small Business Development Center is the only federally funded statewide provider of management and technical assistance for small business owners and budding entrepreneurs. This partnership gives CCSU the opportunity to expand our resources to those who need them and where they are needed most,” stated Dr. Jack Miller, president of Central Connecticut State University.
CCSU/SBDC’s mission is to promote and encourage the creation and growth of small businesses through individualized counseling and education. Housed at Central Connecticut State University, SBDC is the result of a unique partnership that includes the Connecticut State University System, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Department of Economic and Community Development, American Eagle Credit Union and the Hartford Technologies Services Company. Learn more about SBDC at
For students interested in becoming business owners, MCC currently offers academic programs in Entrepreneurship. The associate degree and certificate program familiarize students with the ins and outs of small business ownership. Students research actually industries and current market trends, and develop their own business plan based on their findings.
MCC also works with CT Career Choices, an educational agency that provides entrepreneurship education to high school students in Connecticut. MCC faculty members mentor high school teachers to assist with the development of the curriculum. A conference is held for high school students to actively demonstrate entrepreneurship, and part of their task is to develop their own “live” online business.
For more information on MCC and CCSU/SBDC Entrepreneur Education Workshop Series, contact Ann Bonney, director of credit-free programs, MCC, at 860-512-2822 or Ginne Rae Clay, state director, CCSU/SBDC, at 860-832-0650. For more information on the Entrepreneurship degree or certificate program, contact Theresa Janeczek, assistant professor of business, at 860-512-2626.
Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The College offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.
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