MCC Foundation Awards 66 Students with Scholarships

MCC Foundaiton Scholarships
Left to right are Lolita Wynter, scholarship recipient
of Windsor; Carla Vincent, scholarship recipient of Manchester;
Dr. Gena Glickman, president of Manchester Community College;
Dean Marchessault, executive vice president
of American Eagle Federal Credit Union;
Jason Eddy, scholarship recipient of Windsor and
Lillian Ortiz, dean of Institutional Development

Manchester, Conn., – (December 24, 2008)… The Manchester Community College (MCC) Foundation recently awarded 66 students with scholarships in recognition for their academic success, financial need and service to the College and community. The MCC Scholarship Program provides direct assistance to students in paying for tuition, fees and books. Each year the MCC Scholarship Program helps more than 100 students to continue their college education.

“We are grateful to all of our donors and we especially want to thank the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving for their generous grant of $50,000,” stated Lillian Ortiz, dean of Institutional Development.

Scholarship recipient Michelle Wallen, of Hartford, wrote a letter of appreciation and noted how important this gift is to making her dream of earning a degree a reality. “I am honored to receive this scholarship and grateful for the opportunities it will provide,” stated Wallen.

Click here to view the entire list of students that were awarded scholarships for the Spring 2009 semester.