Program to Help Individuals Regain Employment

Manchester, Conn., – (October 23, 2008)… Manchester Community College is sponsoring Project H.I.R.E (Helping Individuals Regain Employment), a unique program to assist regional job seekers affected by the current economic downturn. The program is designed to assist job seekers who have recently lost their jobs and seeking to regain employment.

With the current state of the economy, job seekers will have the opportunity to attend informational workshops on effective resume writing, interviewing techniques, job search strategies, how to use the internet to locate employment opportunities, community training resources, unemployment benefits and subsidized training.

“Project H.I.R.E. will provide participants with an opportunity to improve their job seeking skills and strategies and learn about resources and support services available in the community,” stated Carl Ochnio, director of Career Services at MCC.

The event will feature Brian Jud, job search expert and author of “Coping with Unemployment,” “Job Search 101,” and “Help Wanted: Inquire With-In.”

Project H.I.R.E will be held on Saturday, November 1 from 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon in the Library Fireside Commons, in the Learning Resource Center. This event is free and open to the public and co-sponsored by the Department of Labor. Registration is required to attend. For more information and to register, visit or contact Carl Ochnio, at 860-512-3372.