High School Students Can Earn College Credits in Technology-Based Summer Program

Manchester, Conn., – (June 2, 2008)… This summer, Manchester Community College will offer free courses in engineering technology and computer integrated manufacturing for high school students. The accelerated three-week courses are for students interested in engineering and technology programs, and will be offered during the months of July and August, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The credits earned during the summer session can be transferred to any accredited college and university towards a college degree. Participating students must be a sophomore, junior or senior from a Project Lead The Way (PLTW) participating high school and have passed Algebra 1 to enroll in the courses. The participating high schools are South Windsor High School, Great Path Academy and Vernon/ Rockville High School.

The following courses will be offered:

Introduction to Engineering (EGR* 111)– this three-week PLTW version of EGR*111 helps students understand the field of engineering and engineering technology through project-based learning. Students will use projects, sketching, graphing, math and computer technology to solve engineering problems. Students will also work with forces, energy, electrical circuits, mechanisms and robotics.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing I (MFG* 106) is the fourth course in a five-course sequence program developed by PLTW. This accelerated course is designed to help students understand and apply the principles of robotics and automation. The course builds on computer solid modeling skills developed in Introduction to Engineering Design. Students use CNC equipment as well as a rapid prototyper – exclusive to MCC’s curriculum – to produce actual models of their three-dimensional designs. Fundamental concepts of robotics used in automated manufacturing and design analysis are included. All homework assignments will involve research and additional activities and projects will be required.

Project Lead The Way, Inc. (PLTW) is a national, non-profit organization that promotes engineering courses for both middle and high school students. PLTW forms partnerships among public schools, higher education institutions and the private sector to increase the quantity and quality of engineers and engineering technologists graduating from our education system.

The summer courses are funded in part by the National Science Foundation, the Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing grant and the Connecticut Community Colleges College of Technology.

For information, contact Professor Mehrdäd Fäézi at 860-512-2729 or mfaezi@manchestercc.edu.

Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The College offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.

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