Tuberculosis (TB) Case at Manchester Community College

Manchester, CT – October 8, 2007 . . Identified staff, faculty and students currently attending Manchester Community College were notified by letter of a current TB concern on campus. The letter explains that the College was notified by the Manchester Health Department (MHD) of the possibility of a Tuberculosis (TB) exposure at Manchester Community College. The State of Connecticut Tuberculosis Control Program and the affected individual have identified potential significant contacts, and the Manchester Health Department is providing the appropriate screening. The affected person is no longer on campus and is receiving medical attention.

Since significant exposure to TB is required in order to develop an infection, only faculty, staff and students who have been identified as having a significant exposure will be screened by the Health Department. Those notified of available screening times are encouraged to get tested.

There is no need for anyone other than the notified staff, faculty and students that they may have been exposed to obtain a TB test. Of course, anyone may choose to see their private physician.

The Manchester Health Department will be on campus the week of October 15 to test the exposed staff, faculty and students only. The test is a skin test and will be administered and “read” 48 to 72 hours later. Both parts will take place on campus. These same individuals will be retested in approximately three months.

Stated Alfred L. Carter, Dean of Students, “The health and safety of our students is a top priority and we are doing everything possible to address the situation in cooperation with the Manchester Health Department. If you have additional questions, please contact the MHD at 860-647-3173 or 860-647-3171.