Appellate Court to Travel to Manchester Community College
The Connecticut Appellate Court will travel to Manchester Community College (MCC) on Thursday, April 19, 2007, to hear oral arguments in two criminal cases. The arguments will take place in the Manchester Community College SBM Charitable Foundation auditorium, located at Great Path in Manchester.
Judge Barry R. Schaller, a Manchester native, will be the presiding judge. Judge Alexandra D. DiPentima and Judge F. Herbert Gruendel will serve on the panel with Judge Schaller.
The Court’s appearance at MCC is part of an ongoing educational initiative of the Connecticut Judicial Branch to acquaint students, educators, and the general public with the role and responsibilities of the court system. Prior to the oral arguments, members of the Manchester Bar Association will meet with the students to discuss the court system and provide an overview of the cases to be argued.
Chief Judge Joseph P. Flynn said, “I enthusiastically accepted when Probate Judge Joseph Fairchild, who also is an instructor of Criminal Justice at MCC, invited the Appellate Court to hold a session of court at Manchester Community College. Manchester has been a vital court center for a number of years. This event will provide an opportunity for students and members of the public to observe appellate proceedings, all of which are and have been public since the court was created in 1983. I have appointed Judge Barry Schaller, a graduate of Manchester High School, to preside over the three judge panel which will hear the cases.”
Judge Schaller stated, “We look forward to our appellate hearing at Manchester Community College. Our previous visits around the state have received very positive feedback. These sessions provide a unique opportunity to reach students and educate them about the appellate process. The judges enjoy the educational experience as well. As a Manchester native, it is a special privilege for me to preside at Manchester Community College. The success of these sessions depends on many people. We are grateful to the college faculty, the lawyers who assist in instructing the students, and our entire judicial staff.”
The first case, State of Connecticut v. Reynaldo Arroyo, will start at 10:00 a.m. and involves a felony murder conviction stemming from the robbery of a liquor store that resulted in the shooting death of the store’s owner. Arguments will last for approximately 40 minutes, to be followed by a 20-minute question-and-answer period, in which the judges do not participate.
The second case, State of Connecticut v. Ricardo Etienne, will start at 11:00 a.m. and involves a challenge to the defendant’s conviction of forgery in the second degree. A question-and-answer period will follow the arguments. Again, the judges will not participate in the question-and-answer period.
Manchester Community College President Dr. Jonathan M. Daube had this reaction to the upcoming arguments: “As the son of a law professor, I am especially pleased that the Connecticut Appellate Court is visiting Manchester Community College. It is gratifying that the Court is taking the trouble to educate the public by allowing us to see how things work.”
As a lawyer, in the past, Judge Fairchild participated in appeals before the Connecticut Appellate Court. He commented: “I believe the Court’s visit will provide students, faculty and the public with a unique opportunity to observe an important part of our legal process that they might not otherwise have an opportunity to see.”
Metal detectors will be set up at the entrance to the MCC auditorium. To facilitate the screening process, it is recommended that guests not bring laptop computers, briefcases, backpacks, pocketbooks or bags. Seats are available for the general public. No advance registration is required.
If a news organization wishes to broadcast, televise, record or photograph the actual oral arguments before the Court, it must file a written request with the Appellate Court clerk (Fax number: 860-757-2217). The news organization also must send a certified copy of the written request to each counsel in the cases. If the request is granted, only one television camera, still camera and audio system will be allowed into the arguments, and media outlets will be responsible for pool arrangements.
For information, contact Jim Senich, manager of communications, at 860-757-2270