Students Inducted Into Technology Honors Society
Manchester, CT – June 19, 2006 . . . The Epsilon Pi Tau International Honorary for Professions in Technology at Manchester Community College recently inducted 29 new members during the spring 2006 semester. The new inductees are:
Stephen Martell of Ashford
Joseph Connors of East Hampton
Ralph Halvorsen of East Hartford
William Hitchko of Ellington
Arian Johnson of Glastonbury
Tonilynne Milios of Glastonbury
Kenneth Groves of Hartford
Robert Santiago of Hartford
Laurie Gauthier of Manchester
Anil Karunanidhi of Manchester
Russell Lavallee of Manchester
Leslie Manna of Manchester
Gerardo Michele of Manchester
Stephen Ntoni of Manchester
Adam Swagger of Manchester
Kevin Levesque of Manchester
Christopher Peltier of Mansfield Center
Stefan Olson of Marlborough
Daniel Garlans of Middletown
Jan Cabcaben of Newington
Ray Romano of South Windsor
Joshua Nishball of Storrs
James Reiman of Storrs
Stephen Gabbert of Vernon
Brian Hadix of Vernon
Joel Kerr of Vernon
Michael Myles of Vernon
Tri Nguyen of Windsor
Timothy White of Windsor
Epsilon Pi Tau recognizes the academic excellence of students in fields devoted to the study of technology and the preparation of practitioners for the technology professions. It also extends the honor of membership and advancement activities to outstanding practitioners in the technology professions, scholars with exemplary research interests in technology in society and/or persons who have significantly supported or advanced technology professions.
Epsilon Pi Tau continually seeks to serve, support, and strengthen the technology professions through publications, conferences, thought leadership, and alliances with corporations, professional associations, government agencies, and nongovernmental organizations.
Epsilon Pi Tau has inducted 75,000 members since its inception, with about 16,000 active members. As the premier academic and professional honors group for technology programs in higher education, workforce development programs, and professionals in practice, Epsilon Pi Tau has provided honor and distinction to members, institutions, programs, and individuals throughout the world for 75 years. Members reside in every state of the United States and in 49 other nations.
Students of any age who possess the desire to pursue higher education are welcome at Manchester Community College. MCC is proud of its academic excellence, new facilities, flexible schedules, small classes, low tuition and faculty with both academic and “real world” credentials. The College offers over 60 programs, transfer options, financial aid and scholarships, as well as access to baccalaureate degrees through guaranteed admissions programs with several universities. MCC is situated on a park-like campus and is easily accessible from I-84.