MCC Students Make Phi Theta Kappa 2021-22 All-Connecticut Academic Team

MANCHESTER, Conn.  (May 5, 2022) – The 2021-2022 Phi Theta Kappa All-Connecticut Academic Team includes two Manchester Community College students. The All-Connecticut Academic Team recognizes the outstanding scholarly achievements and leadership accomplishments of students enrolled in Connecticut’s associate degree programs.

This year’s MCC team members are Kristen Reep and Nicholas Hirth. They were honored at an All-Connecticut ceremony on April 22. Team members each receive a medallion and a proclamation from the governor’s office, and they are eligible for the national All-USA Academic team, which awards scholarships.

The All-Connecticut Academic Team is one of the All-USA Community College qualifying teams sponsored by Phi Theta Kappa, community college presidents and associate degree programs in 38 participating states.

About Phi Theta Kappa Alpha Upsilon Alpha Chapter

Founded in November 1918, Phi Theta Kappa is an internationally acclaimed honor society recognizing the academic achievement of associate degree students. The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among associate degree bound students. MCC’s Alpha Upsilon Alpha was founded as a chapter in May 1991 and has a proud history on campus. The Alpha Upsilon Alpha chapter continues to promote scholarship, develop leadership and service and cultivate fellowship among qualified students at Manchester Community College.