Eleven MCC Graduates in the Class of 2021 Earn Board of Regents Medallion for Academic Excellence
MANCHESTER, Conn. (June 14, 2021) – Eleven students in Manchester Community College’s graduating Class of 2021 achieved overall grade point averages of 4.0 and earned the Board of Regents for Higher Education Medallion for Academic Excellence.
Medallions are awarded at each of the community colleges to graduating students who have earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average. The MCC Class of 2021 recipients are Kailene Rampone, of Berlin; Megan Palma, of Broad Brook; Sarah Hocutt, of East Windsor; Rachelle King, of Granby; Andrew Lutz, of Hartford; Antonio Ayala, of Manchester; Sarah Berry, of New Britain; Dwight Cameron-Mason, JoDee Cyr and Desirae Mishou, all of Newington; and Jonathan McCartin, of Vernon.