MCC Students Inducted into LEX, National Honor Society for Paralegal Students

MANCHESTER, Conn.  (May 27, 2021) – Manchester Community College inducted eight students as new members of Lambda Epsilon Chi (LEX) the national honor society for paralegal students.

LEX was founded and is sponsored by the American Association for Paralegal Education. There are over 170 chapters throughout the United States and thousands of inductees who have been honored for their outstanding academic achievements.

Members have demonstrated superior academic performance as evidenced by an overall grade point average of at least 3.25, plus a grade point average in their paralegal classes of at least 3.50. Inductees must also have completed at least two-thirds of their program requirements.

The newly inducted MCC students and their towns are:

Sagine Alexandre-Watson, Windsor

Jessica Alexandrides, Manchester

Ryan Kennedy, Middletown

Michael LaPorte, Glastonbury

Lindsey Murdock, Union

Izabella Pelczar, Stafford Springs

William Stewart, Salem

Lisa Yee, Glastonbury

The induction ceremony was conducted as part of MCC’s recent Law Day observance. This virtual event was attended by faculty, students, alumni and members of the college Paralegal Advisory Board to celebrate the Rule of Law on which the United States was founded and strives to operate. As part of Law Day, retiring part-time Lecturer Tom Barret, who is a practicing attorney and mediator with the West Hartford-based firm of Litigation Alternatives, Inc., was inducted as an honorary member of the MCC chapter of LEX.

About the MCC Paralegal Program

The MCC Paralegal program has the distinction of being approved by The American Bar Association since 1984. Students can earn either an associate degree or a certificate, which is designed those who have or will concurrently receive an educational (not vocational) associate or baccalaureate degree in a major other than paralegal or legal studies from an accredited institution. MCC’s program is primarily an evening program of study, offering legal courses during the academic year. Many students work full-time while attending classes at night. For more information about the paralegal profession and the MCC Paralegal program, please visit