Students Interested in UConn Can Start at MCC and Transfer through Guaranteed Admissions Program

MANCHESTER, Conn.  (November 13, 2020) – Students interested in a baccalaureate degree at the University of Connecticut (UConn) can start with an associate degree at MCC and transfer as a junior through the Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP).

GAP is an agreement between the Connecticut community colleges and UConn that provides access and affordability to students who wish to transfer seamlessly to UConn. Students seeking a UConn bachelor’s degree from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources; or the School of Business are eligible for GAP.

“The program guarantees admission to UConn once students graduate from MCC,” Dr. Nicole Esposito, Manchester Community College CEO, said. “The beauty of GAP is that students can complete all of their UConn general requirement courses at a fraction of the cost and, when they transfer to UConn, they also have the associate degree, which strengthens their academic credentials.”

Students must apply to GAP before they have accrued more than 30 transferable credits at MCC. Throughout their associate degree program, MCC and UConn advisors meet with GAP students, assisting in their eventual transition to the senior institution.

“MCC takes pride in its highly credentialed faculty, staff and administration. In addition, our rigorous general education requirements for associate degree candidates prepare our graduates to transfer successfully,” Esposito said.

She added, “Meanwhile, the case for community college as a cost effective path to a bachelor’s degree grows stronger every day. As the high cost of entry to baccalaureate institutions becomes a barrier for even more Connecticut students, along with the stress of trying to make college-choice decisions in the current environment, MCC’s transfer agreements such as GAP become the financially responsible and logical path to achieving higher education goals.”

For more information on GAP and other transfer options to transfer from MCC to baccalaureate institutions, visit

It is not too late to apply and enroll for Spring 2021. Classes begin on January 22. For more information and the online application, visit Continuing and transfer students can still meet with an advisor to discuss their major and academic plan; limited on-campus appointments are available, as are virtual appointments. Both can be scheduled at