50th Birthday Signature Events
50th Birthday Bash
September 17, 2013
Location: MCC Quad
MCC's 50th Birthday Celebration kicked off today with a birthday cake cutting by President Glickman and dignitaries during the Fall Welcome Festival
Representative Geoff Luxenberg read the Governor’s Proclamation and remarks were given by Yvette Melendez, Board of Regents for Higher Education; Brian Nwafor, President, MCC Student Government Association; Leo Diana, Mayor, Town of Manchester; Senator Steve Cassano ’69 and Alex Tettey, Congressional Staff Assistant for Senator Richard Blumenthal. MCC President, Dr. Gena Glickman, read the poem "The Great Path," written by MCC Professor Steven Straight.
The singing of “Happy Birthday” was led by Dr. Deborah Simmons, Professor of Music and Dr. Carolina Flores, Assistant Professor of Music and cake was shared with all in attendance.
Retiree Luncheon
October 31, 2013
Location: Culinary Arts Center, Student Services Center
Over 50 retirees attended the luncheon held in the Culinay Arts Center. President Gena Glickman, Dean Leia Bell and Professor Emeritus Glenn Lemaire ‘76 welcomed the attendees and gave a few brief comments and updates on the status of the college. The group enjoyed a wonderful lunch prepared by the Culinary Arts students.
Alumni Networking Event
November 22, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Location: MCC on Main
MCC Alumni Affairs invites alumni, faculty, staff, and students to join us at a special alumni networking event held at the Manchester Community College Arts and Education Center - MCC on Main. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and cocktails with live musical entertainment as you reconnect with other alumni and faculty.
Student Leaders Reception
November 26, 5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Location: Library Fireside Commons, Learning Resource Center
Are you a current or former student government or club officer at MCC? The Student Government Association is hosting a homecoming reception for all past student leaders on prior to the Homecoming/Hall of Fame reception. To RSVP, email SGA President Brian Nwafor at MA-SGA-President@manchestercc.edu.
Homecoming/Hall of Fame Reception
November 26, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Location: Culinary Arts Center, Student Services Center
The MCC Foundation invites alumni, faculty, staff, students and community members to join us at a celebratory Homecoming/Hall of Fame reception and dinner. Beginning with a pre-dinner wine reception with hand-passed hors d’oeuvres followed by dinner and dessert. The dinner is hosted in the Culinary Arts Center and prepared by Culinary Arts students. The evening will wrap up with a presentation of awards for Distinguished Donor, Extraordinary Community Community Supporter, and Alumnus of the Year. Info: Diana Reid or 860-512-2909.
Classical Cuisine Dinner
December 3, 2013 6:00 PM
Location: Culinary Arts Center, 2nd floor, Lowe Student Services Center
The Classical Cuisine Dinner is a special evening where guests can enjoy fine food and wine and support students in pursuit of higher education. The menu is prepared by experienced students in MCC's award-winning culinary arts program and features a seven course dinner from soup through dessert. Glenn Lemaire '76, Professor Emeritus of Hospitality Management, will preside as the evening's sommelier and select a different wine to accompany six of the meal's seven courses. This year, the evening will include live music and special gift give away in celebration of the 50th Birthday! Proceeds from the dinner will support participation of the college's culinary and ice-carving teams in local and regional competitions.
Alumni Art Show
December 20, 2013 5:00 PM
Location: MCC on Main
Join us at the opening reception at MCC on Main as we welcome a new exhibit in the gallery featuring artwork by MCC alumni. Beverages and hors d'oeuvres will be served. Free admission for MCC alumni, students and their guests. MCC on Main, 903 Main Street, Manchester, CT. Info: Diana Reid or 860-512-2909. To let us know you are attending, go to http://www.ezevent.com/MCCNetworking.
Evening of Fine Wines
April 25, 2014 7:00 PM-10:00 PM
Location: MCC Campus
If you weren't there, you missed the party of the year! Over 700 guests, students, faculty and staff helped celebrate MCC's 50th birthday at the most successful Evening of Fine Wines ever. The Manchester Community College Foundation, Inc. was proud to present the twenty-second annual Evening of Fine Wines and welcome Kelser Corporation as the presenting sponsor for the 2014 event. Funds from Evening of Fine Wines supports student scholarships and programming at MCC.
50th Commencement Ceremonies
May 29, 2014 5:30 PM
Location: Bicentennial Band Shell
To read the stories, hear the speeches and see the photos, visit the Commencement page.