Join Us As We Celebrate 50 Years of Academic Excellence
“To provide educational services for all in the town of Manchester and surrounding communities who seek and can profit by education beyond the secondary school, and to assist in meeting the educational, cultural and economic needs of the town and its environs.”
— 1963 MCC Catalog
For 50 years, Manchester Community College has been serving the citizens and communities of eastern Connecticut. In the 2013–14 academic year, the college community will look back upon the remarkable journey that has lead us to where we are today — a leading provider of educational excellence in our region, and one of the largest community colleges — if not public colleges — in the State of Connecticut.
Oral Histories Project
For the past several years, MCC has been engaged in collecting oral histories from alumni, faculty and staff, and friends of the college.
Tell Us Your MCC Story
We captured your own MCC stories as well. See user-submitted video recollections of experiences at MCC.
Celebrate All Year!
It was a party! Thank you for joining us to celebrate our birthday at our signature events!
Historic Overview
On February 6, 1962, a study committee to investigate the feasibility of a two-year college in Manchester and, on November 6, 1962, the community voted in support of a referendum forming the college. The first Convocation was held on September 14, 1963, with the first classes starting three days later. Nearly 120 students (most part-time) started that fall at MCC; nearly two years later the first graduating class of seven received their degrees. Today, MCC’s credit enrollment is more than 7,000 students per semester, with nearly that many taking credit-free courses each year. The class of 2013 had more than 850 members, earning 912 degrees and certificates.
Since the college’s inception, tens of thousands of students and community members have crossed its many thresholds. Its location has changed, its name has changed, but the fundamental foundation upon which the college was formed – a passion for academic excellence and a commitment to student success – has never waivered. It is these principles, along with the values of shared understanding, shared responsibility and shared leadership, that have contributed to five decades of lives transformed and communities enriched. The faculty, staff and students of MCC, however, would not have been able to achieve as they have without the support of countless family members, community partners, alumni, business leaders, donors and other friends of the college. Manchester Community College’s success is truly its communities’ success.
MCC Today
The birthday theme, “50 Years Together. For Learning. For Life.” embodies the college’s commitment to lifelong learning, and to helping our students achieve their academic, economic, civic, personal and cultural goals.